August 2011 Newsletter

Once again the long trip to Kenya was made by myself along with 6 other ladies. It is always delightful to bring new people and see the orphanage through different eyes, – eyes that had not yet seen, touched, smelled and heard the beautiful children of HopeCC. But in the next 11 days together with this big family, their eyes would behold gratefulness, kindness, powerful singing, fervent praying, and
the togetherness of many brothers and sisters. It is difficult to explain accurately one’s experience for there is nothing in my Canadian life that it can be compared to. It is a deep beauty of the soul and spirit within the children’s hearts.

April 2010 Newsletter

Another trip to HopeCC has come and gone. The group that went this time consisted of various people from Grande Prairie, Calgary, Edmonton and Chemainus, each having a part in making important contributions to HopeCC. Louis B and his daughter were already there when I arrived, immersed in introducing track and field activities with the children.

November 2009 Newsletter

As I return into the land of plenty, I reflect on the one week stay at HopeCC by myself and 6 other women who came with me. Drought has plagued Kenya, depleting the meagre resource of water. The price of maize, potatoes, beans, and cabbage has doubled in price over the last few months. One hundred and eighty mouths (up to grade 9) are alot to feed daily, yet Mama Lucy continues to trust
in her heavenly Father, Jehovah Jireh.

February 2009 Newsletter

“It’s an adventure!” I had spoken these words many times over the past few weeks to the five individuals who came with me to HopeCC in Kenya in February.

How is it possible to prepare for what would happen in this different culture on a foreign continent, interacting with people who have experienced incredible life stories??

The anticipation of and flexibility required to thoroughly enjoy an adventure of this nature gains stability because of the trustworthiness of God.

December 2008 Newsletter

Christmas is celebrated in exactly 5 days and I am in another mind frame as I return from my sixth trip (in 2 years) to Kenya. As I sit on the plane flying back to Canada, I reflect on the presence of God in the 7 days that I just spent there with my niece. The two of us were blessed by the family at Hope Community Center.

Christmas 2008 Newsletter

It has been quite the exciting year for Henry and I. To start the year off, we had another grandson born in January. He has just taken his first 6 steps tonight. Fun! He is ready to run, not walk. His brother Jake and him are so very different in looks and character. That should be a challenge to parent but so much
fun! We love having them close by and spend time with them throughout each week. It’s wonderful having both Julie and Scott working in Henry’s companies.
Cherie received a roommate in March so moved back into her house. They have their challenges between the two of them but they are working it out. Cherie just adopted a 10 month old Maltese cross dog and loves him. It will be a good companion for her. She is taking piano lessons and also joined a Toastmaster’s club. So Cherie has presented her first speech and doing her second one this next week.

September 2008 Newsletter

Another trip to HopeCC has come and gone. It is always interesting and encouraging to see the various changes that have occurred since the last visit. This trip happened to be like none other has ever been. It was full of baby days (& nights)!! I, along with the 7 that came with me, were not prepared for what that
would look like.

May 2008 Newsletter

MAY 2008 NEWSLETTER  – written by Irene Hamm Due to the unrest and violence in Kenya following the election at the end of December, Henry and I were unable to travel to Kenya at the beginning of this year.  It was with pleasure that we made it there at the end of May.  It is …

August 2007 Newsletter

What a trip July 31-August 16 was! I, along with 7 other people (who didn’t really know each other very well), spent many hours traveling and 10 days at Hope Community Center together experiencing Kenyan life at the large home for former street children. We were all stretched and challenged, and very blessed! It always warms my heart exceedingly when I hear the children playing and
laughing with each other.

May 2007 Newsletter

Henry and I are so pleased to be able to share with you the excitement of our involvement with an orphanage in Kenya. It was only in December, 2006 that we heard of this opportunity and by January we were on our way there. Our intent in going there was to become involved in purchasing 10 acres for the orphanage so that a needed high school could be built at their location.