We are on our way home with our minds full of memories and our hearts warmed by our stay at HopeCC. Joining me this time were 2 ladies from Ontario plus a lady and 2 dentists from my home town. It was a very fast week full of organizing baby clothes and items, packing up all the new clothes and bringing them into the newly completed baby house. It is a magnificent and majestic building ready to house 40 abandoned babies per year for the next 10 years. Their own kitchen is in the process of being built and the sunny dining room will have chairs and tables just for them. The roof top has high walls providing a large area for the children to play and well as a place to dry their clothes. Mama Lucy’s vision is dependent upon her Jehovah Jireh, the God who provides, the One who does not disappoint. Not only is her already large family adding on more brothers and sisters, but this yearly addition requires more nannies, more food, more clothes and diapers, additional medical care and much nurturing so the babies will grow healthy and strong. There is an urgent need for someone to take on the role of head nanny, bringing routine and excellent care to the babies. If you know of someone, please contact me.
My heart is always full of joy as I meet the 6-7 year children who were once the little premature babies that I carried out of the hospital to join HopeCC. They are full of life and becoming intelligent little individuals. Mama Lucy called them into their new baby house to show them their rooms. Their eyes lit up as they saw the sunny freshly painted rooms and she reminded them that it is their heavenly Father who had supplied this amazing place for them. They all knelt down and prayed, thanking God for this new home. It touched me deeply and brought tears to my eyes as I listened to them. Though I didn’t understand their Swahili words, I did hear their gracious hearts.
The baby house will host more than babies initially. One of the rooms on the main floor will be the music room. Lucy has hired a retired music teacher to come twice a week to instruct the primary children in their musical development. Another room will be set up with the sewing machines so students can learn how to sew. Three sunny rooms on the second room housed us while we stayed at HopeCC.
The 2 dentists as well as a dental hygienist worked long hours in order to check, clean and treat the teeth of 100 students. What a wonderful gift for these children to have dental care and address their dental issues. We are so thankful to Michelle and Don, and also Hilary, for their kind hearts in treating these children.
Lucy is preparing her next project of building a new primary school. Her ever busy gravel truck has already brought many stones to the site beside the high school, ready to be placed as soon as the desired permit is granted. She is in the midst of confirming the architectural drawings. It will be a grand replacement of the present tin primary school. She has some donors in place and the building will proceed as God brings in the finances.
Mama Lucy is constantly busy organizing, planning, carrying out, moving forward in the unfolding of God’s plan for HopeCC. I am always inspired by her confidence in God’s care and never ending love. Her love and compassion for her children is evident as she interacts with them. Only God knows the full impact of her obedient heart to her heavenly Father. I love I Cor.1:9 where it says – God will do this for He is faithful to do what He says and He has invited you into partnership with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. – What a wonderful partnership each of us have!
Irene Hamm