This last trip was a challenge and full of great experineces. There were 11 of us spending 12 days at HopeCC this time, 4 of us being siblings! We traveled from several different locations withing Canada as well as my sister and daughter from Australia. It was a diverse group of backgrounds and expectations. Through it all, I learned more about myself, the difference in cultues and also about God’s heart.
I lvoe to support vibrant leaders and have a harder time being a vibrant leader myself.
I love to come along side of my sitsa Lucy, to encourage and support her – that comes naturally – but being a leader for this group of 10 was a stretch for me.
HopeC is not MY orphanage. It is not even Mama Lucy’s oraphanage, it is God’s. seeing God work in and through a different culture is so very enriching. He understands the challenges that we all have and He empowers what we each have been created to be.
As foreigners come to HopeCC with our resoures of knowledge and/or posessions, I realize that each of us can learn from the other with open hands to give and reveive. I have been very enriched by being part of HopeCC. God has empowered me in ways that were possible only by participating in the life of HopeCC. I have thankful.
We had several projects in mind before we arrived at HopeCC and some of them were accomplished.
New panes of glass were set into windows, potatoes planted, kitchen painted, crafts, sewing projects, organiing ‘stuff’, libary set up and equipped (new metal bookshelves and benches made) and medical needs addressed. We also did several occasions of celebration such as the dedication of the new high school, baptisms, baby dedications an all day African wedding and party time of ice cream, cupcakes and dancing for all. It was a full time together!
The school library will be enjoyed by all the students. Since the new high school has been completed, a room was set aside to hold all of HopeCC’s books, both reference and story books. The games were also placed into that room so that children can have access to them. Biography books are needed for the high school section since there are very few
stories for them to read. A student was given the responsibility of librarian and hopefully many students will flourish in their reading adventure.
Since my niece is studying to be a doctor, she set out in diagnosing several critical cases of medical needs. Four high school students who are striving to be nurses and doctors were trained on how to treat fungi conditions as well as the administration of prescribed medication. It was on the last full day of our stay at HopeCC, that the local doctor finally came to tend to those needing medical attention. He was a welcome sight!
Lucy informed me that a clinic was going to be started to be built the day after we left in order to address the medical needs of the children. That will be great!
My husband, Henry came for a couple of days in order to take part in the dedication of the newly completed high school of HopeCC.
This three storey stone building looks great and is able to educate up to 100 students. It was a great joyous celebration, even with the act of cutting a ribbon.
Lucy has accepted the attendance of 10 outside high school students for this new year. Since HopeCC did receive a scholarship from the government to pay for up to 20 high school students, the eighteen grade 12 students are now billeted out to various high schools. This was a real blessing from God since the laboratory is not yet set up in the new school and also, the expenses of these 18 students are paid for this year.
The payment of food is still critical for HopeCC. Prices of maize, beans and rice have risen making it very hard to make ends meet.
Lucy has now rented a 3 acre plot of land to grow additional potatoes for HopeCC. Food is something that we take for granted but something that HopeCC is very thankful for. Thank you to those sponsors who are committed to help with the cost of food.
If you would like to contribute in supporting HopeCC, please go to Hope International website to donate and obtain an income tax receipt (make sure that you specify HopeCC Kenya). Thank you!
Besides the high school dedication, we all took part in an African wedding on site! What a celebration that was!
Lucy’s sister, Pricah was married 2 years ago in the United States and wanted to have an African wedding. So her husband, Michael and herself chose to renew their marriage vows while we were there.
It was grand with many students in the bridal party, designated parents for the bride and groom, much singing, and the exchanging of vows and rings. I loved the entrance of the bride into the HopeCC compound the African way with the community women barring entrance of Priscah with their songs of stating that Priscah needed to know how to hold a baby before getting married, etc. Finally she was allowed entrance and the procession began. Blessing on your marriage, Priscah and Michael!
Eight of us, including us 4 siblings, concluded our stay in Kenya with a wonderful safari adventure. God is Lord over all on the earth. I chuckle as I remember the turkey outside of the dining hall during the singing of the children he, with his neck outstretched gobbled exuberantly praises to God as well, gobbling over and over! The majesty of God is seen in creation. He is worthy of our praise.
Going to HopeCC Kenya is not a holiday for me. It always presents it’s stretching moments out of my comfort zone and has no luxuries to bask in. But it does hold many golden opportunities to serve others and I am privileged to experience God in very rich ways. I’ll be going back again and again because I love that awesome.